Crafting a Winning Medical Assistant Resume and Cover Letter

The medical assistant profession in the United States is booming. With a 16% increase in jobs expected in the US between 2021 and 2031, it is expected over 117,800 medical assistant positions will be filled by that time. For this reason alone, it makes sense to consider the profession as a career choice.

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Although medical assistants do get hired with a high school diploma, it helps to have a Bachelor’s degree or an Associate’s degree in a related field. A certified medical assistant also stands a better chance of finding decent employment.

With or without certification, a well-crafted medical assistant resume will assist you when interviews arrive. Being able to present your skills and show who you are makes a world of difference when securing a job as a MA.

With this article, we aim to show you how to craft a medical assistant CV and cover letter that will win over hiring managers to secure you the right medical assistant jobs.

How to Format a Medical Assistant Resume

When building your resume, it’s important to format it in a way that is easy to navigate. You want your potential employer to get the best impression of you, so include concise and accessible information for quick reference.

Section 1: Contact Information

A med assistant resume template will provide a position for your contact information near the top, either under your name or in the left or right corner. There’s an important reason for this.

Contact information is vital. You’re applying for a new position so a potential employer shouldn’t battle to reach you – first to arrange an interview and then when you’ve secured the position.

Provide as much contact information as you can to ensure the hiring manager can get ahold of you easily. Some of the best information to include is:

  • Cellphone number
  • Additional cellphone number, or a landline (if you have one).
  • Email address
  • LinkedIn profile URL
  • Home address – at least include the town and state you’re located in.

Whatever you include, make sure it is visible! Effective positioning of contact information creates a good impression on the interviewer.

Section 2: Objective/Summary

Your medical assistant CV summary introduces you to the hiring manager. It usually states the position you’re applying for and what your life and career goals are. You are looking to provide the interviewer with information about the resume contents, and how they relate to the job description.

The objective/summary should pique the hiring manager’s interest. Keep this section short and to the point, including only impactful and relevant information.

An excellent objective/summary is included in one of the medical assistant resume examples available at LiveCareer, which reads as follows:

“Responsive Certified Medical Assistant who thrives in delivering compassionate efficient care in a fast-paced environment. Outstanding ability to connect with patients, work collaboratively with care teams at all levels, and stay abreast of all current standards and best practices. Experienced in both private physician offices and large medical group settings.”

Section 3: Education and Certifications

Education and certifications are important sections in a resume, especially if they take pride of place among your achievements. Remember, your CV is advertising your accomplishments. If your education is primary, like for a certified medical assistant resume, position this section higher on the page.

If your education consists of a high school diploma with no other certifications, consider placing this section lower down. You can find decent examples of education and certification sections among the Resume Builder medical assistant resume examples.

Finally, consider linking to your online certifications in your resume. Listing them is necessary, but letting hiring managers see them if they choose to can create additional impact.

Section 4: Professional Experience

One way of improving your chances of securing a medical assistant job is having other MA jobs included in your professional experience. Noting your professional experience is important for hiring managers, especially if relevant to the current vacancy.

You should list your experience in reverse chronological order (that is, your most recent experience first). Include a brief medical assistant job description below any medical assistant jobs you’ve held. Provide employment dates but don’t worry to mention your salaries or reasons for leaving.

Consider listing the specific experience you have in each position with bullet points, as shown below.

  • Patient care: Verified patient medical histories and insurance coverage through medical records. Measured and recorded patient vital signs. Handled patient ailments and relayed all concerns to the attending doctor for further patient care.
  • Administration: Assisted front office members with appointment scheduling. Processed prescriptions and maintained and filed medical records. Serviced approximately 40 patients daily.
  • Clinical: Collected and prepared laboratory samples, and communicated patient vital signs and laboratory results to patients.

Perhaps you’re applying for a med assistant job for the first time. As such, you may not be able to list skills like “vital signs” and “patient care.” Instead, consider listing your transferable skills among your professional experience in such cases. List skills like “time management” or “empathy”, which would be valuable traits for a medical assistant position.

Section 5: Skills/Areas of Expertise

Although you’ve listed several skills in your personal experience section, including a separate section for your skills helps to highlight these to hiring managers. Skills for a certified medical assistant position may differ somewhat from those of inexperienced medical assistants. As such, the latter should highlight more transferable skills.

Make use of bullet points when listing your skills. Keep the individual skills relevant and brief, as this creates more impact among hiring managers. The example of a certified medical assistant skills section below is what an interviewer might expect to see in a favorable certified medical assistant resume:

Skills example

  • Exceptional written and verbal communication
  • Adept at patient care, including reading EKGs
  • A good understanding of OSHA and HIPAA regulations
  • Experienced in clinical and administrative duties
  • Able to use EPIC, Meditech, and Cerner software
  • Proficient at reading and updating patient medical records

Section 6: Additional Information

Many medical assistant resume samples don’t include this section. Additional information can play an active role in the interview process, though.

Your additional information is anything that you think hiring managers might find useful. You also want to try and establish a rapport with the interviewer. Finding common ground can often be useful during an interview, for medical assistants, or otherwise.

Include hobbies or passions that could be classified as relevant for the medical assistant role. Adding personal volunteer work or extra-mural activities can also give an interviewer insight into your character as a person.

Add the additional information section lower on your resume page. If it’s going to clutter your resume, though, rather exclude it. Remember, this one-page presentation must always be scannable.

How to Format a Medical Assistant Cover Letter

Writing a cover letter that gives a good impression should never be long-winded or over-detailed. Rather only cover your best qualities and the most important reasons you’ve applied for the position in an enthusiastic and proactive manner.

Section 1: Contact Information

At the top of the page, state who you are, including your title. Directly underneath add the company you are currently employed with. Thereafter, add your address, phone number, email address, and LinkedIn profile URL (if applicable).

Next, leave a line space and date the letter.

Leave another line’s space, then add the available details you have for the company you’re applying to. If available, include the title and name of the hiring manager above these details.

Including all of this information shows that you’re precise and have taken time for your cover letter. Too many job applicants don’t include cover letters or write a line or two with no thought given to it. Presenting this properly will help you to stand out.

Section 2: Salutation and Introduction

Like all letters, you will start by addressing the hiring manager. It is sometimes tricky to know how to address this person, as you have no idea what they’re like. If the job posting has a title next to the contact’s name, rather address your potential interviewer by their title and surname.

If the contact is mentioned as “John Smith”, for example, it’s likely safe to use their first name. Don’t be afraid to use “Dear John” or “Dear Mr. Smith” as a way of greeting the hiring manager.

When writing your introduction, remember that you’re not writing an essay. Get straight into things from the start. Make the hiring manager understand why you will be a top candidate among all of the medical assistants being interviewed.

Refer to the job posting and enthusiastically state why the posting appealed to you and why you’re a suitable candidate. It would help to mention your current or previous roles here as a reference point. Show some passion in your introduction while also dropping a little praise for the company you’re applying to. This shows you’ve done some research on it.

A good example of an introduction for a cover letter is as follows:

“Dear Mr. Smith,

I hereby express my keen interest in the advertised certified medical assistant vacancy with Chastain Memorial Hospital. I couldn’t help but notice that your hospital prides itself in providing exceptional care to its patients, which I have a calling for.

I am certified as a medical assistant through the AAMA, with over three years of experience in patient care and medical record management. I am certain I would be a great addition to your team.”

Section 3: Body

The body of your cover letter is when you deal with the specifics of your application. This section is where you should draw on your work experience to convince the reader that you are suitable for the position.

Reference two or three qualities from different jobs you’ve had or, if you don’t have that many, the best facets of your most recent or current position. Make sure to mention why these could be of benefit to the recruiting company.

Even if you have many job-specific skills and experience to draw from, it always helps to include some transferable skills in your cover letter’s body as well. These show your adaptability, and how you could be an important employee not only in a clinical and administrative role but also from other perspectives.

Section 4: Closing and Call to Action

Like marketing companies do when promoting their products, using a strong call to action in your closing can be very effective. You are, after all, selling yourself.

In your closing, begin by thanking the hiring manager. Encourage a response by commenting on how interested you are in the position and finding out more information. Emphasize again how well you feel your experience and skills would fit into the role, saving your strongest traits and passion for your career as your call to action.

Indeed has an excellent example of a cover letter for a medical assistant which we’d suggest you look at to give you a practical example.


What should I include in my medical assistant resume?

Include your objective, your contact details, and your education and qualifications. Also, add your work experience and references. Any additional information that might promote your application is also a good idea.

How can I make my medical assistant resume stand out?

If you are able, design your resume for the specific job application you’re submitting. Read through the job posting in detail and tailor your resume to have the most impact on the hiring manager. Don’t let your resume look cluttered, so be sure to utilize white space and bullet points where possible.

What are some examples of medical assistant cover letters?

Indeed, JobHero, and Zippia all have some good examples of medical assistant cover letters within their pages.

Final Thoughts

As a medical assistant, crafting a winning resume and cover letter may not come naturally. It’s important that you apply the pointers we’ve provided to give you the best chance of securing an interview and, ultimately, the position.

Remember that you’re selling yourself for that position, and the best way to do so is by establishing an interest in the hiring manager. From there you want to maintain this throughout the application process. With your great skills, experience, education, and a top-class cover letter and resume thrown in, you’re certain to reap the rewards.
