Plenty of blood, sweat and tears have gone into the creation of this site. What has not gone into this site is any medical experience or medical qualification. This is a hobby site, that aims to provide a lot of really useful information to a lot of people who may be interested in pursuing a career in medical assisting, but it doesn’t pretend to a) provide expert opinion or b) offer any medical advice whatsoever. The owner is not qualified to do so.
Also, the owner of this site has no direct relationship with any college or university mentioned in its pages. Indirect relationships exist with some through an intermediary, and these schools are given a certain prominence in some pages. The site is financed by the revenue earned for that treatment. Such schools are clearly labeled with the words “Matching Ads” before and after.
While I always aim to make this distinction, mistakes sometimes happen. If you are unsure as to whether an inclusion is paid or not, assume that it is. As stated in the disclaimer, before making your final decision, confirm such data as tuition fees, accreditation status and anything else that might be important to you with the college itself or the accrediting agency.
See Gainful Employment disclosures for colleges that may be featured on this site.